Enterprise Development Forum and Marketplace ends on a high note

The Enterprise Development Forum & Marketplace (EDFM) was developed from the collaborative efforts of Kezia Preville of AdVizze Consulting Inc and Nerdin St. Rose of Bornewell Holdings Inc, as a direct response to discussions with company leaders on the issues affecting the region, with sustainable practices highlighted as the proven way forward. The two-day event ended on a high note with the Forum generating thought-provoking discussions from the three keynote speakers and twenty-one panellists. Spirited debates unearthed some poignant topic areas with notable questions and solutions discussed by the expert panellists and business professionals in the audience. The success of the inaugural event confirmed the need for these types of forums and as a result, organizers are discussing plans to host more in the future.

On day one, Keynote Speaker, Dr. James Fletcher opened the event with a succinct but commanding address under the theme ‘Sustainability Defined’. Focussing on key areas of fiscal balance, debt servicing, ease of doing business, energy efficiency, land use policies and the imperative of a truly green economy, Dr. Fletcher enthused the audience, creating the perfect backdrop for constructive discussions.

Following the riveting opening address, the four panels of the day extended on the thematic areas addressed. The Energy Management panel consisted of Dr. Cletus Bertin, Executive Director of CARILEC, Nadia Mohammed, Energy Officer at CARICOM and Nicholas Brisbane from GreenEdge Technologies out of St. Kitts. The team highlighted the importance of understanding energy, energy efficiency practices and policies, the new regional conservation policy, conducting green and innovative business, and the prospect of providing world class energy services.  The Solid Waste Management panel chaired by Justin Roosevelt-Sealy, Executive Director of Solid Waste Management and Carl Ryan-Hunter, Project Manager of Anse Chastanet & Jade Mountain Resorts, covered waste treatment as a resource, developing the concepts of recycling, segregated waste, behavioural change and implementation of new policies to enable that change. The discussion continued with the Construction and Engineering panel reviewing the key to effective project development, emphasizing the critical importance of communication and utilizing goal-setting, strategizing and maintaining a flexible and systematic approach, to sustain projects. Verne Emmanuel, Director of St. Lucia Bureau of Standards, Egbert Louis, Director ECMC and Jeremiah Phulchere President of the Architects Association and Director of JNP Architects steered the conversation. The attendees were also enthralled by the Special Guest Speaker, Wes Hall Executive Chairman and Founder, Kingdales Advisors who gave an inspiring speech on Emerging markets and the future prospects, while drawing on his personal experience. The day ended with an energised panel on the Legal Strategy led by Thaddeus Antoine Managing Partner, TM Antoine Partners, Andie George Senior Attorney, George and Co Chambers and Lorraine Debra Glace, Sole Practitioner, Glacehouse. The well-appointed panellists closed the proceedings pointing out the importance of the legal element in sustaining a successful business and educated the attendees on notable legislation.

The Forum reopened on day two with a presentation by Dr. Richard Brown Director CARICOM for Single Market and Sectoral Programmes, presenting on Regional Business and Trade Facilitation, setting the stage for the development of fascinating themes which highlighted the regional stance to facilitate trade in the member states. According to Dr. Brown, this forum comes at an opportune time as the CARICOM Secretariat just recently held regional consultations to resolve the single market climate and economy through CSME and stated,  “The creation of an enabling business and trade environment for the private sector is being singled out as one of the key prerequisites for the economies of this region to achieve the objectives of the CSME and truly be placed on a sustainable economic and development growth path.”

Following his address, the Doing Business in the Region panel was led by Martin Dorville Managing Director of Massy Stores St. Lucia and St. Vincent, Sunita Daniel Executive Director of TEPA and McHale Andrew, Managing Consultant. The panel highlighted the importance of having a multidimensional approach to business, reinforced the four disciplines of a healthy organization, providing a policy friendly environment for business and investment to thrive and fostering international competitiveness through export growth. It is imperative to be enterprising and collaborate in both the private and public sectors to foster the ease of doing business and tackle inefficiency, corruption and poor work ethic to be successful and sustainable.

Russell Harrigan, Chairman BVI Tourist Board, Daly Mariatte 1st VP and General Manager Sales & Marketing at Ladera and Sylvester Clauzel, Management Consultant sat on the Tourism Development panel and highlighted the role of community development and empowerment in the product mix, the concepts of growth versus over-growth and how critical it is to differentiate the product and experience within the marketplace to make the industry sustainable. The Banking on Sustainability panel closed the sessions providing ways in which Investment & Making the Right Choice can be sustainable. Carole Eleuthere-JnMarie CEO First Citizens, Vincent Boland Managing Director of St. Lucia Development Bank and Lucius Ellevic CEO Laborie Credit Union brought forward the key aspects of building a sustainable business through environmentally friendly practices, corporate social responsibility and public relations initiatives geared towards green practices. The panellists pointed out that sustainability is foremost a business strategy which positions operations for long term success and provided useful mechanisms already in place or being developed to access finance.

The event organizers were fortunate to partner with Massy Stores, Harbor Club Resort, 1st National Bank, Mediazone, St. Lucia Solid Waste Management Authority, Soloricon, PCD Experiences, Association of Professional Engineers of Saint Lucia and Harry Edwards Jewellers. Special thanks go to all the speakers, marketplace exhibitioners, Chantal Norville and moderators; Mallet Edward, Brian Louisy and Marius St. Rose. The Enterprise Development Forum and Marketplace promoted the necessity of collaborations in both the public and private sector, so projects are more sustainable.

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