Lisa-Maria Alexander
Lisa-Maria Alexander is CEO/Chief Strategist of The Leadership Xperience, a Customer-Centric Operating Model and Strategic Transformation Consultancy that she founded in April 2022, after more than two (2) decades of professional experience in the Financial Services Sector. Lisa-Maria also functions as a Gender Consultant in the Caribbean on behalf of an International Development and Funding Agency, with expertise in the delivery of services related to gender, diversity, and inclusion (GDI) strategy.
Lisa-Maria brings to audiences, a unique diversity of professional skills - she is a Female C-suite Executive, Marketeer, Organizational Strategist, Former Licensed Stockbroker, Behavioral Coach Certified, and an experienced Facilitator and Public Speaker. Her areas of expertise include Customer Experience Management, Strategy Development & Implementation, Market Planning, Relationship Marketing, Internal Branding, and Performance Management.
Lisa-Maria also has extensive practical experience in leading Marketing Strategy, Customer Journey Management, Culture and Talent Development, Communication, and Public Relations, as well as Product Development and Sales Management within the Financial Sector in Trinidad and Tobago and Regionally. Lisa-Maria’s accomplishments over the last decade also include Brand Building and Reputation Management, Brand Architecture, Business Development as well Customer Experience Design for a leading Regional Brand.
Lisa-Maria has also led three regional Brokerage and Securities Dealer firms as its General Manager and Country Manager, in Trinidad & Tobago and Barbados respectively, and has been a high-profile Marketing and Public Relations Leader, for more than twenty (20) years.
Lisa-Maria holds a BSc.in Industrial Management and a Master in Management Studies - Advanced Marketing, as well as having attained a Behavioral Coach designation in 2019 and an Executive Certificate in Organizational Design in the same year. In Nov. 2022 Lisa-Maria was Certified as a Balanced Scorecard Professional – a strategic planning and management system methodology.
Lisa-Maria was an original member of the Association of Female Executives of Trinidad and Tobago (AFETT), and President for 2008-2009, her passion for Women in Leadership and Business is ongoing as she has also pioneered the launch of JMMBWIN – Women’s Inspiration Network in 2019 and continues to coach female leaders in her personal capacity.
In her public service, Lisa-Maria has been a Director of the Queen’s Hall theatre facility (2004-2009), the Greater Chaguanas Chamber of Commerce (2012-2013), chairperson for the Volunteer sub-committee Trinidad & Tobago Cricket World Cup (2007) and Director of the Securities Dealers Association of Trinidad and Tobago (2008).
Lisa-Maria holds the firm belief that People matter! Throughout her career, Lisa-Maria has demonstrated both technical and interpersonal competence, as well as a passion for learning and development. She continues to coach teams and individuals for Business and Organizational success.