Dr. Cletus K. Bertin

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Dr. Cletus K. Bertin

Executive Director at CARILEC

Cletus Kennedy Bertin, is the Executive Director of the Caribbean Electric Utility Services Corporation (CARILEC); an association of electric utilities, energy service providers, manufacturers and other stakeholders operating in the electricity industry in the Caribbean region, Central and South Americas.

He has worked throughout the Eastern Caribbean, Belize and Trinidad & Tobago, and with several governments, universities, corporations and multi-lateral institutions, including: Eastern Caribbean Telecommunications Authority (ECTEL); OECS Secretariat; Caribbean Centre for Development Administration (CARICAD); Commonwealth Secretariat; The World Bank, Global Information & Communication Technologies Department; Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA), United Nations Department for Economic and Social Affairs (UNDESA) and the European Union (EU) Delegation to Barbados and the Eastern Caribbean, as a full-time employee and as a consultant, primarily in the fields of Change Management, Organisational Development, Capacity Building, ICT and Telecommunications.

Dr. Bertin was awarded a B.Sc. Management Studies (Hons.) from the University of the West Indies (UWI), Cave Hill Campus; a M.Sc. Management Studies (Information Systems specialization), from UWI St. Augustine Campus; and a Ph.D. Information Systems and Change Management, City University Business School, London, UK.