Entrepreneurs get a boost! 2nd Edition of the Enterprise Development Forum & Marketplace is set for June 14 & 15, 2023

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  • Entrepreneurs get a boost! 2nd Edition of the Enterprise Development Forum & Marketplace is set for June 14 & 15, 2023

The Enterprise Development Forum and Marketplace (EDFM) returns under the theme ‘Navigating the New Normal’.  Public and private sector professionals attending the upcoming are set to engage in deep discourse over the 2-day period. Local, regional, and international industry experts are set to participate in eight-panel discussions focusing on poignant issues and trends related to key areas impacting the world today.  

Co-founder of NUDGE Caribbean, fashion designer, social entrepreneur, and creative strategist Anya Ayoung-Chee; General Manager of Antigua Cruise Port, Mrs, Dona Regis- Prosper; CEO/Chief Strategist of The Leadership Xperience, Lisa-Maria Alexander and Chief Executive Officer at Caribbean Association of Banks Inc Mrs. Wendy Belmar, are some of the panelists slated to present the not-to-be-missed upcoming EDFM.

Panel discussions will touch on the following areas;

Day 1

  • Entrepreneurship – The Trials of an Entrepreneur
  • Tourism Is here to Stay – Sink or Swim with the Tide
  • Aviation’s Impact on Economic Growth
  • Supply Chain & Food Security Challenges – Finding Independence

Day 2

  • Sustainability – It’s About a Circular Economy
  • Finance – It’s Not Only For Business
  • Real Estate – A Share of the Pie – Conquering the Barriers
  • Women in Business -The Ultimate Power Brokers

Attendees will be exposed to presentations from two keynote speakers, twenty-four panelists, and a diverse marketplace experience. The unique dialogue will encourage the discovery of solutions to enrich business development opportunities in a meaningful way.

Key partners include:

Presenting Partners; AdVizze Consulting Inc, Bornewell Holding Inc

Ultra-Premium Partners; Saint Lucia Air & Seaports Authority, NUDGE Caribbean

Premium Partners; Bank of Saint Lucia, Courts Ready Cash Small Business Loans.

Supporting Partner; Massy Stores St. Lucia, Harbor Club, Curio Collection by Hilton, Flow St. Lucia, Strategic Holding Inc

Interested persons are encouraged to register

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